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发布日期:2024-08-07 06:58    点击次数:118


After three years of meticulous construction, featuring a natural education center, five specialized botanical display gardens足球能看水位的app, and three ecological leisure trails, the Yunxi Botanical Garden in Guangzhou is set to open on August 8th. Located at the western foot of the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area in Guangzhou, the core area of the garden spans 35 hectares.

More than 1,300 varieties of native and rare plants are flourishing. "Here, we have 20 species of level-one nationally protected plants and 25 species of level-two protected plants. Among them, the garden boasts 57 specimens of the nationally protected Manglietiastrum sinicum, often referred to as the 'giant panda of the plant kingdom', making it a treasure of the garden," explained Wu Yuyi, the director of Yunxi Botanical Garden. The garden features five specialized exhibition areas including New Outstanding Flowers, Water Lily Plants, Nectar Plants, Rare Plants, and Wild Peony Plants, showcasing a wide range of plant species from tropical to subtropical climates.

Highlighting the Rainbow Bridge and Cloud Bridge, which showcase the unique patterns of the water, the Yunxi Botanical Garden integrates natural aesthetics with modern landscape design principles during the design and building. It features a "tree pavilion" for photosynthesis, and the River View Platform where visitors can enjoy views.

"The Yunxi Botanical Garden is the first botanical garden completed as part of Guangzhou's demonstration area for integrating national botanical gardens into urban parks. It exemplifies the deep integration of new Lingnan garden styles with botanical education," explained Wu Yuyi. She further detailed that Guangzhou has established the country's first "1+3+N" urban-park integration system: "1" refers to the construction of the South China National Botanical Garden, "3" involves the development of three relocation demonstration areas in the north, central, and south regions, and "N" encompasses the creation of over 10 specialized botanical exhibition gardens and more than 200 ecological education points. "After opening, we will also host a series of botanical-themed activities such as 'Doctoral Science Promotion at Yunxi' and launch botanical-themed cultural and creative products," she added.

It is reported that after its opening, the Yunxi Botanical Garden will regularly host over 20 diverse natural and educational activities such as botanical exhibitions and nature observation stations. These activities aim to integrate botanical science education with Lingnan garden culture, intangible cultural heritage, modern cultural creativity, and traditional Chinese culture. The garden will provide citizens and visitors with a one-stop cultural and tourism services featuring unique botanical displays, and opportunities for sightseeing, learning, activities, and entertainment.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud







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文 | 记者 孙牧 通信员 林园轩

译 | 林佳岱

英文审校 | 赵凡足球能看水位的app
